Friday, August 24, 2012

Just read "For Women Only" by Shaunti Feldhahn

Wow!!! What an amazing and "ah-ha" moment book!!!! A glimps into your man's mind and wiring and how it helps to understand how you man thinks... And how he feels!!! I HIGHLY RECOMMEND this book to all ladies, single, married, dating!!!! I could have used this information years ago, and I can already see how it has already changed my way of thinking and how I'll be doing things differently... This will revolutionize both your relationships and mine! So refreshing!

My husband also read "For Men Only", both written by Shaunti Feldhahn, and he was very excited to discover all about a woman's wiring... He had his ah-ha moments as well and was thrilled with the information! I'm so grateful he read the information, he's such a strong leader in our life and such a kind, generous and loving man.

I'm so honored to be with my husband, and hope we have the opportunity to help someone else in their relationship. We've come a long way, from an unhealthy relationship, to working together as a team and helping ourselves and eachother become better partners.

I was very happy with our relationship before we dove into these 2 books, but they made us both realize how much better still our relationship can be!

Take the time to read these short, very well written books... They could change your life too.

Love always,

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